2 responses
This delightful piece....stimulated for me a condensation of expression...about what Education is.... As of late...I have been contemplating the movement of our gov't in regards to education...It occurs to me that human's are like seeds...and... For a seed to grow ...it must first be moistened and activated...within it's own seed coat by it's exchange with the elements ...this dynamic process initiates the capacities for...organization...discrimination...adaptation ...expression...maturity...re-seeding....all stages essential for life to succeed.... Education based on creative study is the fertile soil for humans...like seeds to gain momentum, adapt and birth potential ... which allows for the harvesting of collaborative wisdom and creates great civilizations ... Thank you so much for sharing this with me...I would love to post a version of my capturing on Facebook...but feel I would have to have your permission and suggested edits to do so...xoxo
Smiling ear to ear! I have such a good experience running the energies in this way. So, it’s delightful to witness others experience similarly. Turns out education is a next frontier for our focus, so this is also very revealing in that regard. Thank you!